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Manage Users & Access Rights with Odoo 15

January 24, 2022 by
Manage Users & Access Rights with Odoo 15
Ismail Harake

Manage Users & Access Rights with Odoo 15

The user in Odoo is the one who has database access. We can add as many users as we like, and we can control the information each user has access to by granting them access permissions.

To add a new user, go to settings, Manage Users or setting > Users & Companies > Users. It will display a list of all existing users in the database, and clicking the Create button will create a new one.

Odoo 15 settings

Fill in the required information in the user form. A user can be assigned to several companies, and we can also choose the user's default company. We can pick a group on each application under the Access Rights page to specify user access. The applications will be listed based on the databases' installed applications.

When you turn on developer mode, you'll be able to choose what kind of user you want to be.

Internal users have access to the application, with each module's user access defined. Clients that have portal access are usually customers who only have access to their own documents. The website is accessible to the public via a URL; however, this type of user has limited access. You cannot choose access rights for portal and public users.

The language and time zone of the user can be adjusted under the Preferences tab. In the language selection, all currently functional languages will be listed. Go to Settings > Translations > Languages to activate the new languages.

By selecting the Save button, an invitation email will be sent to the user at the provided email address. Through the URL, the user can accept the invitation and create login credentials.

Users & access rights deactivated

Go to Settings > Users & Companies > Users. Click Action > Archive on the user record that has to be deactivated.

Reset password

Manage Users & Access Rights with Odoo 15

Enable the Password Reset permission in the general settings to reset your password immediately from the login screen.

Then, in the user's window, choose a user and click the Send Password Reset Instructions button. A password reset link will be issued to the user through email.

To change a user's password, first choose the user, then click Action, then Change Password.

It will prompt you to enter your new password in a popup window.

Users' access to the Odoo database is controlled by these restrictions. It illustrates what a database user can accomplish. These criteria are necessary to avoid ambiguity and ensure that the database is secure. We select the user's group in the user's form, which determines the user's access to certain programs. Please tell us more about the user groups.

Go to Settings > Users & Companies and enable developer mode, Groups.

It displays a list of all currently active user groups. Model access rules are established in groups inside an application. It will determine user access to models, menus, and views, among other things. These rules will be followed by users who are added to this group.

Let's look at the group Sales/Administrator. The Users tab displays users with administrative access permissions; you may also add a user to this group by clicking the add a line button, and the access rights of relevant users are modified on the user's form.

Inherited indicates that the users who are added to this group are also added to the Inherited tab's groups. When a person is added to the Sales/Administrator group, he is automatically added to the Sales/User: All Documents group as well. It also means that the user will have full access to all documents in the Sales/User: All Documents group.

In the Menus tab, you may specify which menus are available to this user group.

The Access Rights tab defines the rights for controlling each model in the various apps. It's defined model-by-model; we may pick a model and give it read, write, create, and delete permissions. The technical name of the model will be displayed in the Name field.

Record Rules are a type of secondary editing that can be used to overwrite or refine existing rules. It's written with the domain in mind. We can assign read, write, create, and delete access to a domain, which is a list of conditions that filter the record.

Database security is vital to prevent unwanted access and secure the database with two-factor authentication and access restrictions to prevent illegal access.

Manage Users & Access Rights with Odoo 15
Ismail Harake January 24, 2022
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