Multiple Branch Management with Odoo Branches
Several Branch Operations Setup is a program that assists the user in managing the operations of multiple branches of a single business. You have the ability to manage several branches of your business.
Single modules of the Inventory, Accounting, Sales, and Purchase programs can be installed.
Odoo Branches
After installing the module, a new menu will appear under users and companies in settings, from which you can access all of the generated branches. Settings > Users and Companies > Branches can be used to create new branches.
Create a new branch by providing a name for the branch as well as the name of the branch's parent firm. The same form can be used to enter all other branch contact information.
From Settings > Users and Companies > Users, each user's default branch and authorized branches can be set.
The multi-branch application functions in a similar way to the multi-company environment. When a user creates a record, the default branch for the operation is set to the user's default branch, and all of the fields' relevant values are charged according to the default branch. Features:
1. Branch for partners
2. A product branch
3. A warehouse branch
4. The Journals Branch
5. Customer/Vendor Payments Branch
6. Customer invoice/vendor bill branch
7.Branching based on Sales Flow
8. Purchase Flow Branch
9. Reporting Branches
A new field branch will be added to partner, product, warehouse, journal, payments, bills or invoices, sale order, and purchase order after the module is installed. The user can choose a value for these fields from the produced branches.
Branch for partners
When a user creates a new partner, the branch field is automatically set to the logged-in user's default branch. When a partner company selects a branch, the branch of contacts associated with the company is assigned to the same branch as the parent company.
Product-related branch
For products, we've included a new field branch where you can choose a branch. If a firm is selected for the product, any branch of that company can be selected as the product's branch.
A warehouse branch
If a user has access to numerous warehouses, we can build multiple warehouses in Odoo inventory. The multi-branch module allows users to construct and manage independent warehouses. Odoo will automatically produce the warehouse's type of operation when you finish a new warehouse. If the creating warehouse has a branch, the branch field of the created operations types will be immediately populated with the warehouse's branch. Even if the user can change the branch and set any branch allowed for the user, when creating a new warehouse transfer, the branch selected for the transfer will be the default branch, and the actions shown will be based on the branch of the transfer.
Accounting Branches
We can use several journals in accounting for a variety of accounting tasks. By installing the multi-branch program, branch functionality can be used inside the accounting module. This application enables the user to create journal branches and use different journals for each firm branch. When it comes to creating a new customer or vendor,
Payment as the payment branch, the user's default branch will be used. The payment journal will be set up according to the payment branch selected. If the user creates a new invoice/vendor bill, the same strategy will be applied.
Sales and Purchase Flow Branch
Sales and purchases are an unavoidable part of any company's activities. For their sales and buying activities, several organizations will need to handle multiple branches. This module oversees the operations of numerous branches in terms of sales and procurement.
The branch will be configured according to the user's default branch when generating a new sale order or purchase order; users also have the ability to edit the sale order or purchase order. The warehouse used for sale orders will be the branch's warehouse.
The Deliver to the field for purchase orders will be set based on the selected branch. The invoice and bill branches formed from the sale order and purchase order will be the same as the sale/purchase order branch. The invoice or bill will be entered into the journal. Relevant to the branch you've chosen
Purchase Orders
Consider the creation of a new Purchase Order. The user will determine the settings for the newly created PO branch. If the user is only allowed to utilize one branch, the approved branch will be a PO branch. If a user has more than one permitted branch, the branch for PO will be left empty by default.
Once the PO has been validated, the receipt will be generated. The Purchase Order Branch will determine the Destination Location and Branch.
Bill of Vendor
The Receipt Vendor Bill can be created from the PO when it has been validated. The newly established Bill Branch will be set as the PO's branch, and the Journal will be charged accordingly.
Sales Order
If a user only has access to one branch, the sale branch will be set as the default branch when a new Sale order is placed. The branch field will be left empty if the user has granted access to more than one branch. Because it is mandatory, users should choose any branch from the approved list.
Delivery order
The related Delivery Order will be made after you confirm it. According to the branch of the Sale Order, Branch and Source Location will be determined.
Create an Invoice from the Sale Order after validating the Delivery Order. Based on the Branch of the Sale Order, the newly formed Invoice Journal and Branch will be selected.
Odoo's various reports and analyses are a useful component for accurately analyzing all of the company's operations. It is vital to acquire reports depending on the components if a company has different branches. This feature is enabled by this module. On the basis of branches, the user can obtain sales, purchases, and invoices. In the pivot view of sales, buy, and invoice analysis, users can organize records by branch.
Sales report
The Sales Order Report will give you a thorough picture of all of your company's sales operations in relation to the method you've chosen.
Purchase Report
The Purchase Order report will detail the characteristics of product acquisition for the chosen operation branch.
The Stock Moves report will show the movement of the product stock as it is defined.
In the Odoo platform's Product Move Report, all features of the distinguishing branch's Product Moves are defined.
Stock Valuation
The Stock Valuation report will provide a quantitative appraisal of the company's product stocks available at each warehouse branch.
Analysis of Invoices
The Invoice Analysis Report can be used to analyze all of the invoices that are created in relation to a specific branch of activity.
Ultimately, using the extensive features of the Odoo platform, an organization's multi-branch operational configuration can be successfully controlled.
Multiple Branch Management with Odoo Branches