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Odoo 15 Inventory Module Replenishment

October 25, 2021 by
Odoo 15 Inventory Module Replenishment
Ismail Harake
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Odoo Inventory Module Replenishment

Replenishment is an advanced feature in the Odoo Inventory module. The efficiency of your commodities' flow as they go through your supply chain can be determined by replenishment. For efficient inventory management, is one of the most advanced elements of the inventory application. It's simple to set up this feature in your Odoo inventory module. For configurations, go to your Inventory module and select the Product tab from the Dashboard. Select the Product you want to configure, and a product configuration page will appear, as shown in the screenshot below, for you to configure. 

Odoo 15 Inventory Module Replenishment tool

Replenish the selected product by clicking the Replenish button, which is indicated above. Odoo will give you a tab to configure the replenishment choices right away, as seen below. 
This is essentially a product replenishment configuration page. The amount of the specified goods, as well as the Units/ Dozens, can be customized. You can adjust the scheduled date or insert a new date and time using the scheduled Date options, as shown. 
You also have the option of specifying preferred routes, as demonstrated in the picture below. 
To confirm the refill, select your chosen route from the drop-down menus above and click the confirm button. One of the quick replenishing ways is this. You can use the second method to create a replenishment for more advanced capabilities of the replenishment options. 

Odoo Inventory Module Replenishment (2nd method)

Going to the Operations tab in the Odoo 15 inventory module dashboard is another way to carry out the replenishments feature.  

To open the Odoo 15 replenishment page, click the Replenishment option as indicated above, as seen in the screenshot below. 
This page displays all of the replenishment activities being performed on various goods. The Odoo ERP system will save all of the facts and data for you to see and evaluate later. By clicking on the three dots as seen in the screenshot below, you can expand the options on the fields. 

As you select options, the number of fields will grow. By heading to the toggle studio button, as seen below, you can add more fields. 
From the toggling studio, you may do complex setup settings. To add a field, simply drag one from the toggling studio options onto an already existing field, as illustrated. 
The field will be added after that, as indicated in the image below.  
As shown above, a new field is introduced here. You can personalize your working environment by configuring the newly added field on the left side of the Toggle studio screen. Odoo is all about making things easier to use. The website includes a number of options for successfully managing your product replenishment. The page's filtering options will provide you with more access to the options, allowing you to swiftly select and review them. Filtering options are available in all modules on the Odoo platform, making it easier to use. 
The feature's Filter, Arrange By, and Favorites features let you quickly group or filter your Replenishments in whatever order you wish.
As it is indicated in the image of the Inventory dashboard below, the Filter tab has a lot of filtering options. 
Along with the options you have the liberty to create custom filters as given above.
Custom grouping options are available, much as the filter option. On the favorites tab, you can see your most recent searches as well as upload them to an Odoo or Google spreadsheet. Depending on the nature of your business management, you can select between these two possibilities. 

Replenishment product development

The Odoo inventory module makes it simple to create a product replenishment. Then, as shown below, click the create button. 
As demonstrated below, an empty field will appear in the list. 
From the first empty field, you can select and add the product. When you click on the empty space, a list of your products will appear for you to select from, as seen below. 
The Search more option from the drop-down product options, as seen below, allows you to search for more products. Choose your product for replenishment from the alternatives. As seen in the snapshot of the module below, the On-hand amount will be automatically changed with respect to the Product that you have selected. 
Following the product selection and confirmation of the Onhand quantity, pick the Preferred Route as indicated below. 
Select the Preferred route from the list above and follow the instructions. Choose a vendor and specify the product's minimum and maximum quantities as well as the number of units to be ordered. Following the configuration of these parameters, you will be presented with a number of additional replenishment options, as seen in the screenshot below. 
If you select the Order Once option, an RFQ will be generated right away. However, you must ensure that the Preferred route specified in the field is enabled in the product configuration sections. If you haven't already done so, A setup page will open when you click on the product name (for example, the Large cabinet in the screenshot). 
Under the inventory tab (highlighted above), select the desired routes.
The Snooze option allows you to snooze procedures for a set amount of time, which you can customize or choose from the options below, as shown in the image of the snooze period. 

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When you select the custom option, you can change the date to suit your needs.
You can now proceed by selecting the order now option, which, as previously said, will generate an RFQ quickly. The RFQ can be found in the purchasing module, as shown in the figure below. As stated below, click on the produced RFQ and then confirm the order. 
The restocking operation is completed once the order is confirmed. You can quickly manage and produce Product replenishments with the help of the Odoo platform's powerful and user-friendly interface. Using the comprehensive filtering tools in the Odoo software, you can quickly manage and monitor all of your replenishment lists, no matter how long they are. With the Odoo inventory module, you can get a bird's eye view of your inventory movements, products, and warehouses for optimal efficiency, and you can quickly monitor and manage all of your product replenishment data with the Odoo system's comprehensive data management system at any time. 
Odoo 15 Inventory Module Replenishment
Ismail Harake October 25, 2021
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