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Odoo 15 Lunch Module

Odoo 15 Lunch Module Overview and Basic Configuration Menus
March 11, 2022 by
Odoo, Moe Fawaz

Odoo 15 Lunch Module

An ERP system makes it simple to maintain the food supply system. The Lunch module in Odoo 15 allows you to place orders ahead of time. Installing the Odoo Lunch module, which is beneficial to the business, will eliminate all concerns regarding food supply. This program aids in the management of a company's deliveries, orders, and needs. The Odoo 15 Lunch module allows you to check prices, place advance orders, and track payments.

This blog explains basic menus and provides an overview of the Odoo 15 Lunch Module's configuration.

Lunch Module for Odoo 15

Odoo Lunch is an Odoo Apps module that you need to install. The module will appear in the Odoo dashboard after installation. After entering the Odoo Lunch Module, the user is presented with a dashboard.

The dashboard page displays information about the employee's orders. Food items can be categorized and vendors can be selected from a list. On the left side of the Lunch window, you'll see all of these sorting options.


The Configuration tab in the Odoo Lunch Module comprises various options, including Settings, Vendors, Locations, Products, Products Categories, and Alert.


The Setting menu may be found on the Odoo Lunch Module's Configuration tab. The option Lunch Overdraft allows you to add a maximum overdraft to reach employees.

Save the draft using the Save option after entering the Overdraft amount.


To add new Vendors, go to the Configuration tab and select the Vendors menu. In the pane, we can view the details of existing sellers.

By clicking on the title of the Vendor's name, we can access the Vendor's comprehensive information and order.

The vendor's name, address, email, and company are all listed in the new window. We can examine the Quality and label of an item on each day of the week under the Availability option. The orders section shows the delivery, location, and send order by phone or email details. The Edit button allows you to make changes to the relevant information.

In order to create a new Vendor, follow the steps below.

The Create icon assists in the creation of a new Vendor. After clicking the Create button, a new Vendor dashboard appears, as shown in the screenshot below.

Vendor title, Name, Address, Email, Phone, and Company are all listed in the new window. Product, Label, and Quantity Availability must be marked, and the Orders option informs us about product delivery, location, and sending orders through phone or email. In the Orders section, we might mention the Product's price and name. After you've filled in all of the information, click the Save icon to save your changes.

List View

The Vendor's personal information is displayed in the List view at the right end of the window.

You can see the vendor's name, phone number, and email address. The Export icon next to the Create option allows you to download the Export details. Custom Filter and Group can be added. By making use of the Filter and Group options.


Under the Configuration page, we can set up the Lunch Locations using the Location menu. The Name, Address, and Company of the Lunch Location are displayed in the Lunch Location window.

By selecting the External Link option next to the Company name, you may get information about the company. In the new window, we can see the firm's general information and VAT Units.

Under the company's General Information, you may find the company's address, phone number, email, website, and currency information. While inputting the details of your company, you can save the modifications. The VAT Units aid in the addition of your company's name and country, as shown in the screenshot below, and are required to save the modifications.

Kanban View

The Kanban View displays information about the Lunch locations of the enterprises that have been founded. By clicking on the firm's title, we can change the address.

The Create button in the Lunch Locations box is used to create a new Lunch Location.

To create a new lunch spot, enter the location, address, and company name. After you've filled out the location information, click the Save button. In the Lunch Locations pane and firms, we can observe the company's freshly formed location.


Details on commodities offered as food orders can be found in the Products option of the Configuration page. Kanban, All users can see the ProductProduct list view, and the Categories/Vendors are displayed on the left side of the page. Using Custom Filters and Group, we can sort out the details. In this window, you can see the product name, category, vendor, company, description, and prize.

By clicking the Create icon, a new product is added to the list. On the presented page, we may see information such as the product's name, category, vendor, price, expiration date, and company. In a separate window, you may add an image and description for the Product.

By clicking on the Product title Name, you can see the extended view. In this window, you can view the Product Name, Category, Price, Vendor, Company, and Image. The Edit icon allows you to make changes to the Product's details.

Product Categories

The Product Categories option in the Configuration tab allows you to organize your goods into groups. At the moment of order, each Product is assigned to a separate category. Each product category has a list of company names. The three-dot button on the right side of the window allows you to combine existing categories with a Custom field.

The Create button allows you to create a new Product Category. In the new window, you can enter the Product Category, Company Name, and an image. By pressing the Save button, a new Product Category is created and added to the list.

Each Product Category's details are displayed in the Kanban view. We can count the total number of products in each category and add a new one.


Using the Alerts option under the Configuration tab, we can establish a Lunch Alert. In both Kanban and List views, the Lunch Alerts window is accessible. You can create a Lunch Alert by clicking the Create button.

Through an app or chat notice, you can enter the Alert Name, Location, Until date, Activeness, and Display alert. With Notification Time, the Message option assists in typing the alert command and identifying the days of signals. An alert appears in the Lunch Alerts window once you save the modifications.

Conclusion: Odoo 15 Lunch Module

Managing an organization's food distribution system might be difficult at times. However, an effective Erp solution for controlling the food supply might be beneficial. Odoo 15's lunch module will assist a company in managing all food supply concerns. Organizations that provide food for their employees will benefit greatly from this application. With Odoo Lunch, the organization's cafeteria or lunch and snack serving system can manage employee needs, orders, and delivery. As an advanced order placement feature can be used, the system will assist the organization in planning ahead of time to satisfy the requirement. Odoo 15 Lunch Module also allows you to track payments and manage prices.

ERP Cloud LLC, an Odoo Certified Partner, offers a variety of Odoo ERP services, including Odoo Implementation, Odoo Customization, and Odoo Integration, based on individual business requirements.

If you're interested in learning more about Odoo and implementing it in your business, please contact us at Our specialized team of Odoo professionals is ready to create and implement the best solutions for your businesses to achieve maximum outcomes in terms of leads, sales, and money.  

Odoo, Moe Fawaz March 11, 2022
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