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Odoo 15 Maintenance Module Equipments Management

February 3, 2022 by
Odoo 15 Maintenance Module Equipments Management
Ismail Harake

Odoo 15 Maintenance Module Equipments Management

The correct administration of equipment is an important aspect of corporate management. It can be difficult to get a thorough picture of all of a company's requirements and machinery. To maintain optimal performance of the components of machinery, it is critical to manage them and view them individually. Maintaining your equipment and making sure it's well-maintained ensures a continual increase in productivity. Odoo's Maintenance module is a very effective tool that may assist you in effectively managing and overseeing all of your machinery without any hassles or equipment clutter.

The Equipments tab in the Maintenance module's dashboard can be used to manage equipment. Click on Machines and tools in the Drop-Down menu, and the Maintenance module's equipment page will appear, as shown below.

Odoo 15 Maintenance Module Equipments

This page will have a list of all of your equipment. When you click on any of the pieces of equipment, a page called Equipment Management appears, as seen below.

To construct and configure the Equipment, click the EDIT button. To build new equipment, go to the Equipment page and click the CREATE button. As illustrated below, a configuration page will appear.

To begin the process, type the name of the piece of equipment in the Equipment name area. From the Equipment category, select the category you want. Choose an equipment maintenance team and a technician from the Technician field.

You can select if the Equipment is used by a specific Department, Employee, or Others. To apply it, select one of the alternatives. You have the ability to choose a specific employee if you have chosen an Employee, as seen below.

Similarly, you can select Department and Other from the drop-down menus. Select the type from the drop-down menus. Select a location for both the Equipment and the Work Center. Select the Work Center from the drop-down selections by clicking on the Work Center field, as shown below. To save the Equipment, select it from the list and click the SAVE button.

Management of work centers

Work center management is critical for appropriate machinery management. Work centers can be managed in Odoo from both the Manufacturing and Maintenance modules. The Equipment tab in the maintenance module allows you to build and manage work centers. In the Maintenance module's dashboard, go to the Equipment tab. Select Work Centers from the drop-down menu. Work centers will be listed down the page, as seen below.

Clicking on any of the work centers will bring up a page for that work center, as illustrated below.

Click the Equipment tab from the Work center page, and the list of Equipment under the Work center will appear, as shown above. To manage any of the equipment, simply press on it. On the Equipment, a setup tab will appear, as illustrated below.

This page allows you to customize the product's information. To create a new Work center, go to the Work centers page and click the CREATE button, as shown below.

A page similar to the one below will appear.

Give the work center a name and a unique code. Tags can be added to the work centers. Tags will assist you in locating employment centers. Working hours for each work center can be defined in Odoo. Assigning an alternate work center to a work center is always a good idea. If the work center's machinery fails, the operation can be moved to a different work center. To add an alternative work center to the work center, click on the Alternative work center and choose the Company from the drop-down menu. As the name suggests, the general information area contains all of the work center's general information. To add equipment and machinery to the warehouse, click the Equipment tab after completing the General information configuration.

To add additional equipment, go to the equipment area and click the Add a line option. A page will appear with a list of all of the equipment listed, as seen below.

To add the Equipment, click on the empty check boxes. You can even create Equipment from Odoo because it is so easy to use. When you click the CREATE button, the Equipment configuration page will open, allowing you to quickly create new equipment and add it to the Work center.

Go to the IoT Triggers tab after you've added the Equipment. Odoo's IoT box enables you to add or connect additional devices to your database. If you're using an IoT box, you'll just need to configure the IoT tab.

Maintenance Equipment

Maintenance teams are simple to set up. To create a Maintenance team, go to the configuration tab on the dashboard and select Maintenance Teams from the drop-down menu of options. The Maintenance Teams page will appear, as seen below.

This page will have a list of all of the Maintenance keywords you've defined. Click the Form button to create a maintenance team. As demonstrated below, an empty space for creating new Maintenance Teams will appear.

To add the Team name Team members and select the company, click on the Empty area. Once you've finished configuring the Team, click the SAVE button, and it will be stored and displayed on the Maintenance module dashboard.

Creating and maintaining Equipment categories can assist you in more effectively managing various types of equipment. To establish and maintain equipment categories, go to the Maintenance Module's Configuration tab and select Equipment Categories from the drop-down menu. A page will appear as shown below.

This page contains a list of all the Equipment categories that have been created. To establish a new Equipment category, press the CREATE button and then select New Category from the setup screen. Below is a link to the setup page.

Start configuring the category by giving it a name in the Category name field, as seen above.

You can choose a person to be in charge of the Equipment category and choose a company from the Company drop-down menu. Click the external link button next to the fields below for more settings about the Responsible Person and the Company.

The external links will lead you to the relevant configuration areas. By navigating to the external link, you can set the firm and the person accountable.

Request management and maintenance requests can be time-consuming. The Odoo 15 maintenance module has a request management feature. Go to the Maintenance tab and select Maintenance Requests from the drop-down menu. A page dedicated to maintenance requests will appear.

You can prioritize requests by using three-star emoticons under the requests to rate them. When you click on it, the stars will fill up to indicate how important the requests are.

Create a new Maintenance request by clicking the CREATE button on the page. To generate the Maintenance request, a configuration tab will appear.

You can specify the reason for the maintenance request underneath the Request area. After that, provide the name of the person who is making the request, as well as the team with which they are affiliated. When you click the Equipment field, a drop-down selection of several sorts of Equipment appears, as seen below.

Select the equipment you wish to seek maintenance on from the drop-down selections of the Equipment, as shown above. To find additional equipment, click the Search more button. To choose from, a tab will open with all of your equipment. After entering the Equipment, choose it from the Responsible field and select the person in charge of the process from the drop-down menu.

In the Requests date field, provide the date of the request, and in the Scheduled date and Duration field, type the scheduled date. You can rank the Request's priority by clicking the Star emoji next to 'Priority.' You have the option of choosing between Corrective and Preventive Maintenance. After you've completed the configurations, click the SAVE button to save the maintenance request for later processing.

With the Odoo 15 maintenance module, managing equipment and machinery is a breeze. With Odoo's Manufacturing and Inventory module integrated, you can quickly carry out different types of equipment, no matter how complex they are.

Odoo 15 Maintenance Module Equipments Management
Ismail Harake February 3, 2022
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