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Odoo 15 Manufacturing Module Bill of Materials

November 25, 2021 by
Odoo 15 Manufacturing Module Bill of Materials
Ismail Harake

Odoo 15 Manufacturing Module Bill of Materials (BoM)

Manufacturing management at business institutions is critical to the institution's development. Managing the Manufacturing sector within a corporation can assist in cost reduction and increased business efficiency. The Odoo 15 Marketing module is a powerful tool that allows you to organize and track manufacturing processes. The Odoo 15 manufacturing module includes sophisticated tools and capabilities to help improve the manufacturing sector's efficiency and management. To ensure a seamless manufacturing operation, you may make full use of all of these advantages. All of the manufacturing procedures are incorporated into Odoo's manufacturing module, which is kept simple and modern at the same time. 
The Bill of Materials is a list of all the things that are needed to make your final product. The list is the most important thing to configure in Odoo. You must first specify the end product and the materials required for the product to be made before configuring the Bill of Materials. To configure this, go to the Product tab on the Marketing module's dashboard and select Bill of Materials from the drop-down menu, as shown below. 

Odoo 15 Manufacturing Module BOM

Go to products -> Bill of Materials  
To navigate to the Bill of Materials page, click on it. The Create button on the website will allow you to create as seen below. 
When you click the create button, you'll be sent to a setup tab, as shown below, where you may customize the new Bill of Materials. 
The configurations can be done from here. If the product is already created in your inventory module and Odoo recognizes it, input it here; if it isn't, you can create it here. Choose to build a list of products if the product has already been created. You may apply and use BoM for product variants in Odoo. If your BoM only applies to one product variant, you must define it by clicking the Product variant button. You can create several variations for each component. You can develop a product if it isn't available or hasn't been made yet. Select the Create and modify option from the product area, as shown below. 
The create and edit buttons will take you to a screen where you can configure the New product, as illustrated below. It's worth noting that the newly created product will appear in your Inventory module. 
The advanced settings page allows you to fine-tune the new product. From here, you can customize every component of the product. For specific functions linked to product management to work, the product configurations will be applied across the board. Enter the Product's name and one of the four options for defining the product: Can be Sold, Can be Purchased, Recurring, or Can be Rented.
Similarly, you can characterize the product's nature by providing generic information. The product's qualities and versions can be customized. You may set up the product's sales, inventory, and accounting capabilities by clicking on the appropriate tabs, as indicated in the screenshot above. 
After you've finished configuring the new product, click the save button to save it, and it will appear on the Bill of Materials page. After you've finished producing the final product, you can specify the amount in which it should be created. Following that, select one of the three BoM or Bill of Material options: Manufacture this product, Kit, or Subcontracting, as indicated below. 
You can choose from a variety of possibilities. The product is set to manufacturing if you chose Manufacture. You can break a product into its essential components using the Kit option when creating a manufacturing order or when creating a stock transfer. You can choose your subcontractors if you use the subcontracting option. To use the Subcontracting option, you must enable the subcontracting option from the Options tab. To activate the option, go to Settings under the Configurations tab on the manufacturing module's dashboard. As illustrated below, the option will be available in the operations area. 
The subcontracting option should be enabled in the settings 
To activate the subcontracting option, click on it.

After that, you can configure the components that will be used to make the product. To add the components needed for manufacturing, go to the Components tab and click the Add a line button to add the components as shown in the below picture. 
A new field will open up as shown below to add the components as shown below. 
You can select a product from the list above and add it to your cart. If the components are new and haven't been produced yet, type the name of the component and you'll be prompted to create and add the product to your inventory using the Create and Edit button. You will then be able to use this component to complete the final result. Note that the configuration processes and tab will be identical to those described previously for the product configuration tab. The Inventory tab on the setup page is where you can set the Route.

Click the Operations tab once you've added the components to add the operations line, as illustrated below. 
Configuring operations are required for effective product management; else, component goods will be missing throughout the manufacturing order preparation process. You can either create a new line or copy from current operations when adding Operations. If you wish to add a new operation, select Add a line. As illustrated below, Odoo will provide you with a settings tab to configure the Operation.
This is the area where you can configure the operations. In the field adjacent to the operation, name the operation and select the work in which you want the product to be assembled or made. It can also be used with variants. The Duration computation option, as shown above, allows you to set the computation duration. You have the option of setting the duration to automatic, which calculates based on the tracked time, or manually setting it. After you've finished configuring the Spreadsheet, you can upload it in one of three formats: PDF, Google Slide, or Text. Then, to save the customized Operation, click the Save and Close button. If you want to copy an existing operation, select Copy Existing Operations from the drop-down menu as shown below.
Then, as seen below, a list of items with existing Operations will appear for you to pick from. 
As shown below, choose the Checkboxes near the operations. 
After selecting the appropriate operations, click Copy chosen operations to copy the Operations. As illustrated below, the copied operations will be automatically inserted into the Operation sections. 
Select the quantity and the Product unit of measure after adding the component to determine the total quantity of one single component needed to make the product. Then, as shown below, pick the Miscellaneous tab for more setup options. 
As demonstrated above, the miscellaneous area contains a variety of possibilities. From here, you can decide when to begin manufacturing. There are two alternatives here: When components for the operation are available or When components for you are available. To specify manufacturing readiness, select one of the alternatives provided. Choose the Operation you previously specified and the Analytic account from the drop-down menus.

The Manufacturing module allows you to set a limit on how much of each component is used. Allow, Allow with a warning, or Blocked are the three options. With regard to your policy, choose one of the three possibilities. Use the save button to save the item after you've finished configuring it. 

 Creating A Manufacturing Order with Odoo Manufacturing Module

You can generate a new manufacturing order from the manufacturing module's dashboard by heading to the Operations tab and selecting Manufacturing order from the Dropdown menu, as shown above. A page containing a list of manufacturing orders will appear.
To configure and create a manufacturing order, click the create button from here, as illustrated below. A new configuration page will appear, as seen below, where you may create the production order. 
You can see that the Components are added automatically based on the product you choose. As previously noted, you must ensure that Operations are appropriately structured for efficient product management; otherwise, you risk losing the components from the Manufacturing order. By selecting the Scheduled date option, you can either schedule the date or configure the date and time. It is also possible to replace the person in charge of placing the order. After you've finished configuring and setting up the configuration, click the save button to save it as a draft. You can go through the order again for further customizations or review if you save it as a draft. Then, as indicated below, click the Confirm button to proceed to the next stage. 
If any of the key components are not available or in stock, you will be told in this area. It will be reported as Not Available under the Component status, as seen above. You have the option of waiting for the component or discarding it. The Work order tab for the work order tab can be viewed as shown below. 
After you've gathered all of the necessary components, click the Start button to begin the procedure. And, as shown below, the field will change to the scheduled date, expected time, and real-time. 
As you can see in the screenshot above, the Stage has changed from confirmation to in progress. 
The Mark as Done button will display after the work is completed; click it as shown below to move on to the next level from the To Close stage. 

The process's end page will appear as shown below. 
Transfers, traceability, product movement in inventory, and cost analysis can all be detailed reports. To assess the cost and plan future manufacturing of the product, go to the Cost Analysis tab and follow the steps outlined below. 
From here, you may get a thorough breakdown of the costs at each stage of the manufacturing process.

Odoo's manufacturing module is quite advanced, covering every facet of a manufacturing business or institution. You may get the most advanced support for achieving optimum efficiency in manufacturing management with the help of the Odoo 15 Manufacturing module. With the help of the manufacturing module's comprehensive cost analysis capability, you can calculate the cost of a specific product at each stage of the manufacturing process. This allows you to efficiently plan future product manufacturing. 
You can efficiently manage any quantity of production simultaneously and effortlessly using the module's easy-to-use interface, which is clutter-free. Odoo's inventory module is tightly connected with this module. This gives you direct access to items from your inventory without the need for huddles, allowing you to plan manufacturing methods more efficiently with the use of real-time inventory data. 
Odoo 15 Manufacturing Module Bill of Materials
Ismail Harake November 25, 2021
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